Just enough sunny days have been scattered here and there this month to believe it might be. We have had 3 beautiful weekends of sunshine in a row! For April in the NW this can be rare. Then we'll have days of rain during the week to remind us where we are. It's been great to be able to get outside and start to clean up on some of the Winter storm damage and get prepared for what warmer weather means for herd management.
Herd management this past weekend meant weaning our last four cria who were born in the Fall. Our minimum age for weaning is generally around 6 months, most of the time it seems to push closer to 8 and we watch for signs of the moms to start doing their own weaning. Some cria handle this better then others. Some moms let go easier then others. This particular group of moms and cria are all pretty tight and none of them took to the separation very well. As you have read in previous posts, this is never one of our favorite times. We were hoping with a nice sunny day and new fields of grass for distraction things would go a little smoother. Eh, this was a pipe dream, we had some unhappy cria who were looking for any way through or around the gates keeping them from their moms.
Here's Tulio, Black Bart, Trinity and Duke waiting at a gate to follow their
moms and just ignoring the nice big field of pasture they could be in. |
To upset routines even further, we had a couple more "due soons" to bring over to the barn. We bring all our due soons to this area where we are close to supplies in the barn and can monitor from the house with our barn cams. Alpacas are very herd oriented and really don't always take well to moves, even from one field to another. We try to move them in pairs at a minimum, the bigger the group often the easier it is to move them. When you are talking late term pregnant alpacas they are going to let you know they are not happy with any disruption in their routine. Again, we relied on the distraction of a sunny day and new pasture. This worked better with the adults then it did the cria!
All the 2011 cria and the first mom's due for 2012. In front is
Moonshadow's Evening Staar letting her cria from last year, Klondike,
know she is not there for him don't get any funny ideas! |
These girls didn't mind getting out on a new field for the day! |
Well regardless of the weather, Spring is here and all that goes with it. We are officially on cria watch with the first of 2012 due any time. Shearing will be here before we know it and then we'll be full swing into transitioning to our new location in Bellingham. Got to get in some fun while we can, next weekend we are off to the
NW Alpaca Showcase to wrap up show season. Could we be hopeful enough for a repeat of 'Palooza?
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