The first day of halter training is always an adventure. We generally wait to get started on this after cria have been weaned. We will let them get the feel of the halter on their heads a couple times before attaching a lead rope. So we've done that and today was the first attempt at getting them to trust us and maybe even walk with us. For those who have never witnessed this or participated in halter training before. Alpacas can perform many acrobatic leaps, flips, etc. before settling down and realize going out with us on a lead can be a good thing! Sometimes we make some assumptions on behaviors to expect from individual alpacas just based on the personality traits they have displayed growing up. From that sweet curious cria who likes to give kisses, to those firey attitudes and extreme aloofness. The first day with the lead attached is all about learning trust. We started working with the 7 oldest today and tried a couple new techniques with a few. Overall, it turned out a pretty successful first day. We even had a couple walking with us, admittedly timidly walking, but this is huge for the first day!