Saturday, June 30, 2012

Junuary 2012

Cria coats ~ each cria has a specific coat which has their scent
 on it.  Sometimes the moms don't really appreciate these things we
put on their cria and if it doesn't smell right it can't be good~

June wraps up how it began, grey, cloudy, wet and windy.  Felt as much like January as it did June, but regardless of the weather June always seems to be a month full of activity. Our first cria are born, everyone had to have their own coat to wear this month.  Shearing is done, breedings have begun and we've had lots of visitors this month.  Today, in between rain squals, we had a farm visit to see what raising alpacas is all about and Principe had another one of his arranged dates with 2 girls coming by to see him! 

Staar's new cria sporting her purple rain coat~
Last weekend we had cria born on both Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday during winds that where swirling through our shelter and rain that came pouring down, Moonshadow's Evening Staar delivered our 3rd female cria of the year!  Big whopping 21 lb cria after 350 days gestation.  No wonder Staar couldn't wait for warmer weather to deliver her. 

Staar's friend MO must have been inspired and delivered her 2012 cria Sunday morning.  We didn't have quite the dramatic weather for the arrival of this little one, but with some needed assistance MO delivered a healthy 18.4 lb female!  Exciting to have girls back to back and now 4 in a row, but also, both these new girls happen to be 100% Moonshadow from home grown Moonshadow Sires and Dams.  Anyone following this blog may remember the MO-line from last year.  This is 3 girls in a row for MO and one of the first 2012 cria to get a name.  Let us introduce Moonshadow's Mohini.

MO grazing away with her new cria Mohini never far from her side~
It is always amazing how every alpaca on the ranch seems to know when there is a new arrival.  It is not at all unusual to see them lined up in any of the other fields trying to get a glimpse of the newest member of the herd.

Is Junuary the new start to summer month?  Let's hope not!  Hopefully our summer will begin in July, I'm sure there are many states east of us that would love and could use all this rain.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shearing 2012

We still love seeing how they look after they've been shorn,
there always seems to be more fluff to them then we remember.

After a beautiful month of May the weather in the PNW turned wet, cold and windy.  So 2012 ended up to be another year of watching the weather, watching the calendar and hoping we'll get a break so we can get the herd sheared.  Our shearer was coming from Idaho and only had 12 days of shearing in this area, which we had already helped her book it full of shearing jobs.  Any rain out days for shearing really can wreak havoc in getting the job done for everyone. 

Here's a good picture of just how long of a staple length is grown.  This is a juvenile male who was shorn last August.  In 8 months his fleece has grown close to 5 inches.  He looks quite a bit smaller then the fluffy guy in the first photo!
Sometimes it takes a minute of getting used to feeling the cool
air after having all that fleece shorn off~

We had 45 to shear this year and scheduled ourselves 2 days of the 12 day schedule.  Generally, this is 2 full days of work, with no time built in for mishaps or bad weather.  As it got closer to our first day of shearing on June 9th it was still raining and it was questionable whether we'd have any break that weekend or not.  Saturday we went for it starting with the alpacas we could lock under cover and they were fairly dry.  This group is our due soon moms, new moms with cria and yearling females.

Final touches in the ropes~
The weather Saturday actually was holding out pretty well, grey cloudy skies with occasional misting of rain.  To add to the excitment of shearing, one of the due soon moms decided to have her cria.  Quite a distraction for everyone, Ann, our shearer, at least kept on shearing the alpaca that was down in the ropes, with Whit staying in his position on the head.  This was Whisper's 5th cria, she is a good proven dam and had a text book delivery.  It was a pretty cool day and with no sun, we needed to get the cria dry and make sure she was up and nursing.  Shortly after the arrival of the new cria we started having guests who arrived to watch the shearing being done.  They were pretty thrilled with the added bonus of seeing a newly born cria! 

Saturday's new arrival, sporting her
cria rain coat~
We managed to get 20 shorn on Saturday and another 17 on Sunday.  Then the weather blew in with some historic Junuary volumes of rain.  Looking ahead at the schedule it did not seem like it was possible to get every herd shorn that was scheduled, let alone finish up our last 8.  In the end, I don't know why I worry so much.  We are in the PNW, we seem to go through this weather drama every year and every year the job somehow manages to get done.  It took us 2 additional afternoons to wrap up those last 8.  
They always have to great each newly shorn one as a completely new alpaca~
Who are you?

A typical annual clip of prime fleece~

Another year of shearing is done.  Always such a relief and sense of accomplishment rolled into 1 annual milestone.  Next steps are preparing and sorting the fiber for processing.  We will be trying a few new mills this year and diversifying what we do with our fiber and end products.  More to come on this when we get our processed fiber back.  In the meantime, it is always a challenge in where to store all the bags of fiber while it is waiting to be sorted and prepared for shipping.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day 2012

Annie with her 2012 Fury kid~

It really just didn't seem right to highlight our alpaca moms on Mother's Day and not mention the dads on Father's Day.  We do know they contribute 50% to the mix and we can't have good cria without good alpaca Sires.  We have worked hard to put the best combination of traits together in building our herd and have always taken pride in bringing in the best genetics, health, temperment and fleece qualities for our breeding program.  To start off 2012, we've now had our first 3 cria of the year from 3 wonderful alpaca dads.

Coming up with names doesn't seem to get much easier the more cria you have, so it's not unusual for new cria to just go by buddy, cutie or punkin for weeks.  If we need a name to actually keep track for any reason, they'll go by the dam's 2012 cria.  Our first cria was introduced last month and still has no name.  Here is Annie's 2012 cria, Sired by CCNF Andean Fury, who has been a wonderful dad for us and really out did himself with this stunning young male.

CCNF Andean Fury


We highlighted Fury in the 2012's 1st Arrival post.  He has definitely been a great Herdsire for us and has sired some of our best colored offspring.  Annie's little guy certainly has the potential to be his best yet!  We like this guy so well we are definitely considering repeating this combination.  Fury did what we were hoping, he brought in color and enhanced the fleece quality both these parents have.  Absolutely a WOW fleece on this little guy from the moment he was dry!

Snowmass Golden Victory

Next up this season was a repeat knock out combination of our Madonna and Snowmass Golden Victory.  On June 4th, Madonna delivered another female cria who appears to be just as nice as her multiple Blue Ribbon winning big sister, Moonshadow's Golden Mist.  Sometimes the names come a little easier, we have wanted all the Victory girls to have Golden in their name.  Getting another female out of this pair seems charmed from the start, so let us introduce Moonshadow's Golden Charm.  

Madonna looks white, but she really is a beige and  has been wonderful at
letting the color of the Sire come through in her cria~
Our 3rd cria of the season so far was born the first day of our shearing on June 9th.  This is also the 3rd time for this pairing and the dad is a home grown Herdsire of ours and another awesome, multiple show winning son of Madonna's, Moonshadow's Gunslinger.  Whisper and Gunslinger have now produced 3 beautiful females in a row.  Maybe we should call her Hat Trick or Triple Crown?  
Moonshadow's Gunslinger

So Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!  Alpaca dads aren't ever involved with their offspring, but we never under value their contribution to their kids!

Whisper & Gunslinger's 3rd girl on the left snuggled next to Golden Charm~

Saturday, June 2, 2012

2012's 1st Arrival...

Dreamboat Annie saying hi to her new cria moments
after he hits the ground~

It always seems like we wait the longest for the first one to arrive to kick off each new year of cria.  Seems like the Spring cria take the longest, maybe it is nature's way of protecting those Spring cria from the cold, wet weather we tend to have in the Pacific NW.  After 355 days of waiting, the first cria was born last week on May 24th.  This Spring we have had some nice stretches of warm, sunny weather that would have been wonderful for a new cria to get their start.  Though we did miss that stretch, we did have some moments of sunshine and break in the rain the day of his arrival.

CCNF Andean Fury
Moonshadow's Dreamboat Annie is a proven mom, this is her 3rd cria.  Annie is a 2nd generation production dam out of one of our original females purchased.  This has been a very dominant white line, but we took a little bit of a chance last year and decided to try to bring out some color and bred her to our dark brown Herdsire, CCNF Andean Fury.  Fury has been our most color dominant Herdsire, and has produced 100% colored offspring.  More impressive when you know he's mainly been bred to white or light colored females.   Adding color to an elite white fleece has not been part of our breeding plans for several years now, but we thought if the cria inherited the best both these parents have to offer in fleece quality we could potentially have a real knock out. 

A few hours old~
Can you always tell with a newborn cria whether you hit a home run or not?  No, not necessarily, lots of things can happen before that cria grows up and matures.  However, it's really hard to ignore those first impressions where you go "Wow!" or "oh hum, didn't expect that?".  By the time this little guy was dry enough to get a good feel and look at his fleece, we were both saying Wow, this is definitely what we were shooting for!  His fleece is super dense, crimpy and blindingly bright.  Beautiful coppery color, with kind of a smokey brown head.  Since this is the 3rd boy in a row Annie has produced for us, it is good to see he appears to have stud potential right from the start.  Annie's first guy, Moonshadow's Bootlegger, is now down in Oregon as a Herdsire for Alpaca Alley, LLC.  Her second son, Moonshadow's Victory's Triumph, will be going to Idaho to be a Herdsire at Eden Criations.  They were both show winners in very competitive white male classes.  We know this new guy comes from 2 show winning parents, both proven to produce show winners too.  He comes from an impressive pedigree with generations of winners on both sides of his family tree.

Day 3, never far from mom~
 We have a couple more moms who are imminent and I thought certainly they would be inspired by Annie's delivery, but no, so far they are keeping us hangin'!  Madonna is now at 352 days, Whisper 345 days.  Every time we have a little break in the rain we are watching and hoping to see nose and toes to get those cria out in the open with some sunshine to help warm them up and dry them off.  Like all babies, we know they come when they are ready.  Cria season 2012 has begun at Moonshadow.  Yesterday we had the vet out to do ultrasounds to confirm a few of the Fall breedings we did and the first Spring breedings and the cycle continues.  Birthings and breedings all bring great hope and anticipation for the future!